Learn How To Build A Photo/Video Business

We Help Brand Photographers & Videographers Build A Creative Business Using Our Proven Systems

Go From Freelancer To Creative Entrepreneur With Our Systems, Weekly Coaching, Course Library, and Community

Membership Wins

Membership Wins

Trusted By Hundreds Of Photographers & Videographers

Membership Wins

Victoria Mannes

Product Photography

Asti Messer

Brand Videography

Kuma Content

Event Photography

How It Works

Creative Biz Launch

Membership Community

How it works:

⚙️ 1. Implement the system with courses, swipe files, & dashboards

💎 2. Weekly Coaching to unlock bottlenecks & accelerate growth

🤝 3. Community support & accountability to reach goals faster

🧠 4. Industry expert calls: Learn from 7-figure entrepreneurs

What you get:

✔️ Comprehensive course library: 6 courses & 80+ videos

✔️ Weekly coaching call with Chris Pieta & group (w/ replays)

✔️ 24/7 access to our community of creative entrepreneurs

✔️ 75+ pages of templates, swipe files, notion templates to systemize

✔️ Live calls with 7-figure industry experts

Hey, I'm Chris Pieta, founder of Creative Biz Launch

It's great to meet you!

My journey in 15 seconds:

2016 - Bought my first camera while working a corporate job
2017 - Started learning photography on nights and weekends
2019 - Had my first gallery show & founded Pieta Productions
2020 - Went full-time photographer and learned videography
2022 - Scaled to 6-figures with Pieta Productions & founded Creative Biz Launch to help other creatives
2024 - Worked with hundreds of photographers & videographers to help them build profitable businesses through CBL
2025 - Building Creative Biz Launch into the world's best education company for creative entrepreneurs

Transform Your Creative Business

Charge What You're Worth

Are your clients only willing to pay with "exposure?" Learn our proven pricing strategies that have helped photographers and videographers double, even triple their rates.

Find High Paying Clients

Say goodbye to budget-conscious clients and hello to dream projects. Learn how to access 1000s of decision makers at your fingertips and pitch them using proven scripts.

Close Deals Without Feeling 'Salesy'

Clients keep ghosting you after you send pricing? Replace awkward sales tactics with a simple step-by-step approach that makes clients eager to work with you.

Spend Less Time On Admin

Systemize your business and spend more time creating. Learn to systemize client acquisition, streamline project management, and optimize your workflow.

Master High-Ticket Sales

Learn the art of landing $2k, $5k, even $10k+ projects with confidence. Our sales training will equip you with the skills to communicate your value, handle objections, and close big-ticket deals that get you paid what you deserve.

Land Bigger Retainers

Use our fulfillment framework to turn one-off projects into long-term, high-value retainer clients. Learn how to deliver exceptional results, build strong client relationships, and create ongoing revenue streams that provide stability.

Get Results In 4 Simple Steps

1. Follow The Offer Framework

Create high-ticket packages using our system and charge what you're worth.

2. Find & Pitch Clients

Find thousands of decision makers and use our cold outreach system to book calls.

3. Close Deals With Our Custom Sales Pipeline

Use our custom sales pipeline and simple scripts to close more deals.

4. Systemize Fulfillment & Land Retainers

Follow our simple fulfillment framework to multiply the lifetime value of your clients.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough Implementing The System

Weekly Coaching

Get direct support from Chris on our weekly calls.

Course Library:

6 Courses

Master our proven 4-step system with step-by-step guidance.

Swipe Files & Systems

Plug-and-play templates & systems for your business

How Effective Is The System?