⚡️ 16 Lessons For Only $27 ⚡️

Photographers & Videographers

Your Blueprint to Creative Biz Success: Business Basics Course

Learn the Business Side of Running a Successful Photography or Videography Company

I've spent years helping photographers and videographers build thriving businesses. Now, I've distilled all the essentials into a step-by-step course that will save you time & money.

This Business Basics Course is designed to give you the necessary tools and knowledge you need to build a sustainable, successful creative enterprise - no prior business experience required!

"I Want To Start A Creative Business But I Don't Know Where To Begin..."

Let me guess...

You feel Overwhelmed.

You don't know who to listen to.

You don't think you have the time, the money or the business experience to be successful.

Sound Familiar? Read On.

Whether You Want To Replace Your Current Income &
Build A Sustainable Creative Career


...You want a better life for yourself and your family.

You want to make more money from your creative skills and build a lasting business.

You want to have a steady income that you control.

You want to spend more time creating and less time worrying about finances...

If this sounds like you, you're in the right spot.

Hold Up.

Let's get real for a second.

You're here because you're ready to turn your creative passion into a thriving business, right?

Well, you're in the right spot, and this Business Basics Course? It's your golden ticket to kickstarting this journey.

But here's the deal - this course is like getting a bird's eye view of the whole process. It's giving you that crucial overview, that "big picture" perspective that's gonna set you up for success.

Why's this so important?

Because if you don't know where you're going,
any road will take you there.

Every creative empire started with a single project.

This course? It's your blueprint to build yours.

You're getting everything I wish I had when I started - the shortcuts and insider tips that took me years to figure out.

It's your launchpad, packed with the foundation, mindset, and tools to start strong.

But remember, this is just the beginning. Building a creative business is a journey, not a destination.

From here, you'll keep learning, growing, and crushing it.

Ready to take that first massive step?

Everything You Get

16 Video Lessons Where You'll Learn:

✔️ Master the 4-step blueprint of any successful creative business

✔️ Niche Finder Framework to align your skills & passions with profit.

✔️ LLC Formation guide for protection and credibility

✔️ Website builder blueprint that turns visitors into engaged leads

✔️ Understand bookkeeping & tax essentials

✔️ How to set up your email accounts to land in the inbox instead of spam folders

✔️ Set up payment processors to invoice with ease

✔️ The Google Business setup to boost your local SEO and credibility

✔️ The social media to establish your brand across key platforms

Included Lessons:

1/ How To Start Your Business

2/ 4 Step Blueprint Of Any Business

3/ Creative Biz Launch System

4/ Finding Your Niche

5/ Building A Portfolio

6/ Business Name

7/ Forming Your LLC

8/ Business Bank Accounts

9/ Payment Processors

10/ Invoicing

11/ Business Insurance

12/ Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Taxes

13/ Building A Basic Website

14/ Business Email

15/ Social Media Pages

16/ Google Business Profile

Zero to $20k/mo Roadmap

✔️ Learn our 3-step approach to go from stranger to paying client

✔️ How to quickly build credibility when starting out

✔️ Learn when to prioritize cold outreach versus relying on referrals

✔️ How to balance social media posting with cold outreach

✔️ Primary actions to go from zero to $5k/mo

✔️ Next actions to go from $5k to $10k/mo

✔️ Wrapping up with the $10k to $20k/mo method

4-Step Business Blueprint

✔️ Learn the 4-Step Blueprint: Master the simple four-step process that every successful business follows: Offer, Leads, Sales, Fulfillment.

✔️Avoid Common Pitfalls: Don’t skip crucial steps like generating leads or refining your sales process.

✔️ Find and Engage Leads: Discover the 4 ways to get your offer in front of the right people.

✔️ Sales process overview: How to get paid what you're worth.

Taught By Someone Who's Done it

Hi, I'm Chris Pieta. Founder of Pieta Productions.

Since 2020 I've been working full-time in my photo & video business transforming brands. Our team of 4 helps food and beverage brands drive sales through compelling visuals.

You can check out our client work here.

I've spent the last 5 years building my own photo and video business, and I've helped hundreds of photographers and videographers build their own six-figure businesses.

And the best part? I did it without any previous business experience (seriously, I majored in chemistry).

Now I want to share what I know to help you do the same.

You'll Learn How To...

Set Up Your Business Right

We'll guide you through choosing the perfect business name, setting up your LLC, and establishing a solid foundation for your photography or videography enterprise. Learn the essential steps to create a professional business.

Zero to $20k/mo Roadmap

Our roadmap shows you exactly what to focus on at each stage, from landing your first clients to scaling beyond $20,000 monthly. Learn when to prioritize outreach, content creation, referrals, or ads to maximize your growth and income potential.

Learn Business Finances

We simplify bookkeeping, taxes, and invoicing, teaching you to track income and expenses efficiently. Learn to set up payment systems and ensure timely payments, allowing you to focus on your craft while maintaining a profitable business.

4- Step Business Blueprint

Our 4-step blueprint covers crafting irresistible offers, reaching your target audience, converting prospects to clients, and delivering exceptional results. Master these steps to build a thriving photography or videography business.

Setup your business email & website

Most emails that creatives send land in spam. Not because they're spammy, but because they don't have the tech set up properly (DNS settings, DKIM, DMARC, etc.) We teach you how to set up your accounts the proper way.

Learn the best website structure to attract high-quality clients.

Establish Your Online Presence

Learn to effectively use social media, optimize your Google Business profile, and create content that attracts ideal clients. Develop a cohesive brand image across all digital platforms to attract high-quality leads.

Photographers & Videographers

Book Clients on Repeat with Our Proven 4-Step Acquisition System

Get Paid What You're Worth And Secure More Projects Without The Feast-or-Famine Cycle

Victoria Mannes

Product Photography

Andrew H

Commercial Photography

Asti Messer

Brand Videography

Kuma Content

Event Photography

Photographers & Videographers

Book Clients on Repeat with Our Proven 4-Step Acquisition System

Get Paid What You're Worth And Secure More Projects Without The Feast-or-Famine Cycle

Victoria Mannes

Product Photography

Andrew H

Commercial Photography

Asti Messer

Brand Videography

Kuma Content

Event Photography

List Of Everything Inside

✅ How To Start Your Business (9 min)

✅ 4 step Blueprint Of Any Business (18 min)

✅ Creative Biz Launch System (14 min)

✅ Finding Your Niche (22 min)

✅ Building A Portfolio (5 min)

✅ Business Name (5 min)

✅ Forming Your LLC (12 min)

✅ Business Bank Accounts (3 min)

✅ Payment Processors (2 min)

✅ Invoicing (3 min)

✅ Business Insurance (2 min)

✅ Bookkeeping Accounting, Taxes (8 min)

✅ Building A Basic Website (24 min)

✅ Business Email Setup (17 min)

✅ Social Media Pages (15 min)

✅ Google Business Profile (5 min)


7 Day Guarantee - No Questions Asked Money back Guarantee

✅ Creative Biz Zero to $20k/mo Roadmap


Only $27

80+ Lessons to help you implement the Creative Biz Launch System

Click To Preview 👇

Offers: Charge Thousands

1/ What Even Is An Offer?

2/ Where Most Creatives Go Wrong

3/ The Perfect Niche

4/ Dream Outcome

5/ Increase Your Value Overnight

6/ Building Packages: Problems & Solutions

7/ Pricing Your Offer

8/ Guarantees

9/ Driving Demand: Scarcity, Urgency, Bonuses, Naming

10/ Presenting Your Offer

Leads: Find Clients

1/ Leads Intro

2/ What Is A Lead?

3/ 4 Ways To Get Leads

4/ Creative Biz Launch System

5/ Basic CRM Overview

6/ Notion CRM Walkthrough

7/ Capturing Inbound Leads

8/ Working For Free (your first 3 clients)

9/ Warm Outreach

10/ Local Clients

11/ Cold Outreach Overview

12/ How A Cold Email System Works

13/ Cold Email Setup Part 1

14/ Cold Email Setup Part 2 (Tech setup guide)

15/ Automated Cold Email Warmup

16/ How To Find Thousands Of Leads

17/ Software Guide: How To Find Thousands Of Leads

18/ How To Write Cold Emails

19/ Cold Email Scripts

20/ Software Guide: Sending Cold Emails

21/ Processing Cold Email Responses

22/ Common Cold Email Mistakes (Low Response Rates)

23/ Marketing 101

24/ Social Media

25/ Building A Brand

26/ Unlimited Content Ideas

27/ Instagram Growth Blueprint

28/ LinkedIn Growth Blueprint

Sales: Close Deals

1/ Sales Intro

2/ Converting Leads To Clients

3/ Sales 101

4/ Sales Pipeline

5/ Notion CRM Walkthrough

6/ Apollo CRM

7/ Scheduling Sales Calls

8/ Sales Script Framework

9/ Sales Call

10/ Sales Script Walkthrough

11/ Objection Handling

12/ Proposals

13/ Contracts

14/ Closing Deals

15/ Getting Paid + Late Payments

16/ Bonus: Two Call Close

17/ Fulfillment

Fulfillment: Get Retainers

1/ Fulfillment Pipeline

2/ Customer Experience Above All Else

3/ Creative Biz Dashboard

4/ Onboarding & Deposit

5/ Mood Board

6/ Prep Call

7/ Turnaround Times

8/ Production

9/ Sharing Proofs

10/ Working with an Editor

11/ Final Deliverables & Invoicing

12/ Testimonials

13/ Case Studies

14/ Retainers

15/ Referral System

16/ Create Social Media Assets

17/ Follow Up Tasks

BONUS: Business Basics Minicourse

1/ How To Start Your Business

2/ 4 Step Blueprint Of Any Business

3/ Creative Biz Launch System

4/ Finding Your Niche

5/ Building A Portfolio

6/ Business Name

7/ Forming Your LLC

8/ Business Bank Accounts

9/ Payment Processors

10/ Invoicing

11/ Business Insurance

12/ Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Taxes

13/ Building A Basic Website

14/ Business Email

15/ Social Media Pages

16/ Google Business Profile

BONUS: Tested Templates, Scripts, Contracts & More

Over 50 pages of templates & scripts

1/ Notion Dashboard: Creative Biz Dashboard

2/ Notion Dashboard: Client Portal

3/ Cold Email Templates

4/ Sales Scripts

5/ Contract Templates

6/ Perfect Proposal Templates

7/ Objection Handling Scripts

8/ Email Response Templates

9/ 19 Deadly Cold Email Mistakes

10/ Cold Email AI Prompts

FAQ image

Trusted By Hundreds Of Photographers & Videographers

“Throughout the learnings and processes I've hit $2-$6k deals pretty regularly... ...I’ve been able to provide for my family in ways that I wasn’t able to do before.”

-Aaron Villa

“He really tries to understand his students, give the best advice that he can, you can genuinely see that he's really there for his students. It's not just a course for him, he's really there to help uplift us and shape us into the best photography business professionals we can be."

- Victoria Mannes

"He [Chris] has a really simple way of getting complex concepts across to us... ...I believe that he genuinely wants, not just me, but the entire group to succeed."

- Victor Lopez

"This has been a great community to be a part of and I would recommend this to anyone who is ready to start their creative business because it has been life changing."

-Natalia Augustyn

"After I joined the course I was able to close my first client in a period of 3 months. That was a big deal for me because it was a $10,000 client."

- Jose Arieta

“There’s nothing he doesn’t cover in here.”

- Luke Kran

Zero clients to 7 within a few months of joining.

- Yi

Starting running his photo business in a systemized way and became clear on his service.

- Dennis L

"I have been working for 5+ years as an in-house photographer at a national magazine... ...I can honestly say that I learned so much more than I expected."

- Wilfried, UK

Commercial Photographer

"A mentor who gives a crap - Chris is not just great at what he does, he's passionate and invested in guiding us to our own success. The internet is full of gurus peddling courses promising the world - but the courses are lacking, and the mentors are missing. This is not the case here."

- Kevin Ziegler

"In my first month after I joined the course, I managed to close deals from 2 new clients. Now I am almost fully booked for the next 2 months with 7 new upcoming projects." - Asti Messer

"I feel like I can make more money this year in photography than I did the last 3 years combined!"

- Max Cruz

Hi, I'm Chris!

Owner of Pieta Productions, and your guide through the Creative Biz Launch system.

In 2019 I was fed up with my 9-5.

I was taking street and cityscape photos since 2016, so I figured my camera was the fastest way to working for myself.

In 2019 I decided I was going to work full time for myself as a photographer (and eventually videographer).

In 2020, I quit my job in the middle of the pandemic to pursue photography full-time. The crazy part?

I had one $500 client.

Within 2 years I’d worked with over 50 high-paying clients using the exact system I’m about to teach you.

In 2021, I started sharing videos on YouTube teaching the business behind photography and videography. Messages from creatives telling me they were able to land clients, negotiate better deals, and even leave their 9-5's because of the content I was sharing flooded my inbox. Crazy. Today my channel has 75,000+ creatives learning the strategies.

In 2022 I started Creative Biz Launch so I could help as many creatives as possible.

My mission is simple: change lives by teaching business systems to my fellow creative photographers & videographers.

In 2023 I was spending about half my time at Pieta Productions working with clients, and the other half teaching photographers and videographers how to build their businesses.

For the past year I’ve been working behind the scenes to bring you Creative Biz Launch 2.0. It has everything from v1.0 that helped hundreds of our client land high-paying clients and build thriving creative businesses. Now with even more proven systems, step-by-step guidance, and the latest real-world strategies!

My mission with CBL is to provide creatives (like you!) with the best, most accessible and straightforward education that isn’t taught in photo or film school.

I genuinely value connecting with our community and believe that a rising tide lifts all boats.

I’m excited to have you join our community and be a part of this incredible story.

Let's turn your passion into a thriving business.

The #1 Reason Most Don't Start is Because They Aren't Clear On What The Right Steps Are

Let's Change That

I've been where you are. Uncertain about your creative career. Dreaming of turning your passion into a thriving business. Craving the freedom and fulfillment that comes with being your own boss.

I'm here to tell you: I've DONE IT. And it's 100% Possible for You Too.

Creating a successful creative business isn't reserved for a chosen few anymore...
Want to know the ONE thing all thriving creative entrepreneurs have in common (including me)?

They Took the First Step

And That's All You Need to Do Today - Take That First Step.


Is this self-paced or is it cohort-based?

Business Basics is completely self paced.

Why should I invest in the Business Basics course?

This course is designed to empower you on your creative business journey. It provides essential tools, knowledge, and a step-by-step roadmap to help you make informed business decisions. Consider it a small but impactful investment in your future success as a photographer or videographer.

Is the Business Basics course all I need to know about running a creative business?

The Business Basics course is your crucial first step, not the finish line. It's packed with everything I wish I had when starting out, giving you a massive head start.

But running a creative business is a journey, not a destination. This course lays the foundation, gives you the tools, and shows you the path. You can take the knowledge here and learn the ropes along the way, or you can check out one of our more advanced courses.

Q: Are these strategies applicable in different countries?

Yes, the course's strategies are designed to be adaptable across different locations, providing a framework and methodology that can be adjusted based on local market conditions and dynamics.

Some trainings like LLC, Business Bank Accounts, & Taxes are specific to the United States.

We teach from a principles first approach which makes many trainings universal.

Can't I just do this myself with all the info online for free?

You definitely can. But this course will save you time, money, and mistakes you experience while figuring this stuff out yourself.

I'm a complete beginner in business. Will this course be suitable for me?

Absolutely! The course is tailored for beginners. It provides a beginner-friendly introduction to business concepts for creatives. It's designed to eliminate confusion and provide clarity for those starting their entrepreneurial journey in photography or videography.

I'm already earning money with my camera, is this still for me?

If you've got your basics setup and and you're generating revenue, we recommend out full Creative Biz Launch System. Learn more here.

Can I access the course material all at once, or is it drip-fed?

You get immediate access to all course materials upon enrollment. This allows you to work through the content at your own pace and revisit modules as needed.

Do you offer any one-on-one coaching?

We do offer a separate coaching program for creatives that want personalized guidance and want to results faster.

Please click here to apply.

Can I apply the strategies in this course to other creative fields?

While the course is tailored for photographers and videographers, many of the business principles and systems can be applied to other creative fields. We have students from various backgrounds (3D artists, designers, content creators) who've successfully adapted our strategies.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes. If you are unhappy with this course you can request a full money refund within the first 7 days. No questions asked.

Always Risk Free

If within 7 days you want a refund, for whatever reason, we'll give you 100% of your money back.

Save yourself months or years of trial and error

Creative Biz Systems Incoming...

Ditch The Freelance Hustle And Build A Sustainable Creative Business

If you’re a photographer or videographer, I’m guessing you’ve tried to land clients using one or all of these methods:

x Posting constantly on social media

x Referrals or word-of-mouth

x Discounting your rates

x Boosting social media posts

x Networking events with little ROI

x Sending cold messages with no proven system

You know that you’d be able to help clients out with your photos or videos, but they just don’t seem to want to work with you. And the ones that do barely have a budget. Here’s something you may not be ready to hear…

1. 6 Modules with 90 videos lessons teaching you the Creative Biz Launch system

The complete, no-fluff creative biz system. Each video lesson contains actionable steps so that you're making real progress towards your dream business.

Everything you need to start and grow your creative biz. The step-by-step walkthrough to quickly implement all the tools, templates, scripts, and more to grow your biz.

Unlock the system that lets you get more clients, charge more per client, and keep them coming back for more.

2. Live Support & Community

Private Discord community for Creative Biz Launch Students. Ask any questions around program content, unique client situations, and feel supported by a community of entrepreneurs who understand what you're going through.

3. BONUS: Creative Biz Action Plan

This Notion template walks you through each module and holds you accountable.

This is where you can take notes and check off your progress as you progress through the program.

Other online courses sell you videos and forget about you. We provide accountability to make sure you're serious about winning in Creative Biz.

4. BONUS: Creative Biz Dashboard

All-in-one Notion template for your biz. Includes all you need to manage your business and stay organized.

  • Custom built CRM for creatives

  • Production Database to keep track of client projects

  • Moodboard database to share with client

  • Photo editing pipeline for working with your future editor

  • Weekly journal for tracking progress

  • SOP database for creating playbooks for your future team

5. BONUS: Cold Email Mastery

Complete cold email setup guide to keep you out of spam and actually get responses from leads.

  • Cold email authentication guide

  • Automated warm up system

  • How to write cold emails: 4 step framework

  • Cold email templates (proven templates that get responses)

  • Cold email mistakes (the 17 most common mistakes)

  • How to find thousands of qualified leads with a few clicks

  • High response rate checklist

6. BONUS: 15+ Digital Downloads

  • Exact sales scripts to close the deal

  • Contract pack with customizable templates

  • Proposal outlines for high-paying clients

  • Cold email templates that get responses

  • Checklists for each module to stay on track

  • Client communication templates for every situtation

  • And many more!

7. BONUS: Software stack + exclusive discounts for students

  • List of 10+ softwares I use to run and automate my business

  • Setup guides to get going right away

  • Exclusive discounts for Creative Biz Launch Students

  • Custom Notion Templates

  • Step-by-step instructions to automate your business

  • Exclusive discounts on softwares

8. FREE Access To The Upcoming Mindset & Productivity Course

Struggle with procrastination? Imposter syndrome or mindset getting in the way of making progress?

I'm building a BRAND NEW course on Mindset & Productivity. By enrolling in Creative Biz Launch, you'll get FREE access to this full training.

Coming soon.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Get Started Today 100% Risk-Free

I'm able to make such a bold guarantee because I'm confident that this program works. It's changed my life and it's changed the lives of the students who've used this system.

If you aren’t completely satisfied with Creative Biz Launch, let us know within the first 45 days for a full refund. No questions asked.

ONLY $1,495 OR 6 Payments of $285

Meet Your Coach Chris Pieta

Your Guide Through The System

In 2020, I quit my job in the middle of the pandemic to pursue photography full-time. The crazy part?

I had one $500 client.

Fast forward 2 years and I landed 50+ brands as clients using the system I'm about to teach you.

In 2021 I started a YouTube channel. I taught the business behind being a photographer and videographer. I would get messages from creatives telling me they were able to land new clients, negotiate better deals, and even leave their 9-5's because of the content I was sharing. Crazy. Today my channel has 67,000+ creatives learning the strategies.

In 2022 I launched Creative Biz Launch to help as many creatives as possible. My mission is simple: change lives by teaching creatives business systems. Business is simple once you've already made all the mistakes along the way. I made these mistakes so you don't have to.

I’m excited to have you join our community and be a part of this incredible story. Let's turn your passion into a thriving business.